“After having matured a twenty-year experience in the sector of the jewelry as façon and on our marks, we have decided to introduce us to the market of the tall bijoutteria with some innovative and competitive collections today. The philosophy Fabira is that to highly introduce a finished up product to our clients, assembled with material technologically advanced and anallergici as the brass, the plexyglas and stones seeds precious; the all product with a demolition of cost to the end user of 40%“.
The match among high quality, innovative design, optimization of the costs defines the absolute validity of its creations, exclusively Made in Italy. Fabira, in virtue of the consolidated experience of production and a flexible managerial ability introduces him as produced strong able to stir on the market through distributive lines of different type; placing side by side the distribution.
Here are some of the pieces we have in stock
Bracelets :
So come to our store Facets International Jewellers in Mall 34 Brigdetown, Barbados.

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